Monday 13 November 2017

What is Yoga?

Yoga has become very popular nowadays. Yogasana practice particularly promoted as a physical exercise and as a therapeutic regimen to strengthen and balance all parts of the body. Regular practice of yoga enhances physical health and stamina, reduces stress, promotes relaxation and improves those conditions brought about by sedentary life style. Yoga has positive effects on mental health and well being. Yoga improves cognitive functioning as well. However in Indian tradition yoga is more than a physical exercise and has meditative and spiritual core. Yoga stands for the expansion of the narrow constricted egoistic personality to an all pervasive eternal and blissful state of REALITY.

The Sanskrit word yoga has derived from either of two verbal roots.

1. Yujir (युज्) yoga; which means to yoke, to unite. Yujyate anena iti yogah(युज्यते अनेन इति योगः).
Yoga is that which joins. It is the joining of the individual self (Jivatma  जीवात्मा) with the Universal self (Paramatma परमात्मा). Yoga is that which brings you to the state of ultimate REALITY

2.  Yujir samadhau (समाधौ) which means to concentrate.
     Vyasa who wrote  the first commentary on the yoga sutras of sage Pathanjali,is of the opinion that yoga means samadhi: a state of mental concentration.

     Thus,if you want to move in the right  yogic path, you need to know yourself,your individuality,your mind and it's thought patterns. You need to sublime your thoughts and ideas instead experience the true nature of your existence knowledge and bliss absolute.

Yogic life society


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